Volunteers Needed!
Volunteer Counting Teams are returning!
Each week, our generous members and donors support our ministry through their offerings and tithing. This money is counted and allocated to the appropriate places from there. We are looking for individuals with a desire to serve the church in a “counting team” capacity. Counters come in once a week to sort, count, and document the funds received. If you’re interested in learning more about this opportunity to serve, please contact Andrea Warunek at awarunek@splcs.net / (586)781-3434 ext. 106.
Volunteers NEEDED for Traditional Worship – AV/Tech
Please consider volunteering to help with our Sunday worship service at 9:30 a.m. We need volunteers to click through our service slides (screens). It is just a PowerPoint presentation, so no “tech” skills required, and training is provided! You may be put in the rotation as many or as few times as you would like. If interested, please contact Allison at acosta@splcs.net.

2025 Annual St. Peter Macomb Spring Gala & Auction
Mark your calendars! The Gala Committee is excited to announce that the annual St. Peter Macomb Spring Gala & Auction will be held on Friday, March 7, 2025, at The Palazzo Grande. While the committee is hard at work planning a memorable evening, we can’t do it without YOU! This is our largest fundraising event of the year, and we hope to have you be a part of it. The proceeds help our school and church minister to our students, staff, and church community and will continue to support future expansion at St. Peter.
We’re looking for sponsors and donors to help make this event successful. If you own or know of a business interested in sponsorship opportunities, or if you are looking for information on how to donate items/experiences, please email us at stpetergala@splcs.net. You can also fill out our sponsorship form below.
Gala tickets go on sale December 1, for $85 a person, through December 20. After December 20, tickets increase to $100 each and are available until February 21, 2025. Included with your ticket is dinner, valet, live entertainment, our live and silent auction, and a wonderful night of fun and fellowship with our St. Peter community. Tickets can be reserved below and paid for through Shelby Giving or by check. Please email StPeterGala@splcs.net with any questions.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Your 2025 Gala Planning Committee
Easter Volunteer Opportunities
Easter is right around the corner, and we are gearing up for the festivities that surround the resurrection celebration! Our Easter Egg hunt is scheduled for April 6, after church in the gym. Also, we are preparing for our Easter morning breakfast held in the Fellowship Hall.
We are looking for candy or monetary donations for the egg hunt, as well as a few volunteers (NOAH hours given).
For the Easter breakfast, we are looking for volunteers to help set up, serve, and clean up that morning.
If you would like to help in any of these areas please use the links below!
Baby Bottle Drive
If you have not already please be sure to return your baby bottles from the baby bottle drive. For Life Team questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Carol at (586) 321-9500 or carolpoterek@gmail.com.
Healthy Living Opportunities at St. Peter in 2025
Stay Healthy Exercise resumes on Monday, January 6
Are you feeling tired, stiff, or just not yourself? We have the answer. Join some spiritual men and women in a morning of exercise and motivation. People of all ages are welcome and can benefit. Deb, our instructor tailors the class to the audience. We work on our hearts, minds, and souls as we stretch, lift weights, and raise our heart rate slowly through low-impact, easy-to-follow movements. Grab water, weights (2 to 5 pounds), and a mat, and join us each Monday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. We will help you feel better from your head to your toes! Classes are $5/session on a drop-in basis and are held in the church narthex. Enter through Door #1 on the southeast side of the church. Contact Paula for more information hoegemeyer@att.net or 586-322-2319.
Christian Yoga resumes on Thursday, January 9
Come join us for a faith-filled gentle yoga experience. Becky will guide us through prayerful meditation, stretching, and postures, embracing our mind, body, and spirit that God has given to us. All ages are welcome Bring a yoga mat, water, and a joyful spirit for this class that will meet every Thursday from 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. in the church narthex. The cost is $10/session drop-in. Enter through Door #1 on the southeast side of the church. Contact Paula for more information hoegemeyer@att.net or 586-322-2319.

Women’s Conference “Exhale”
Save the date—Women’s Conference “Exhale” April 5, 2025, at Shelby Gardens, Shelby Twp., MI. Starting time is 9:30 a.m. Watch for more information and ticket link coming soon!
St. Peter Adult Choir
The St. Peter Adult Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Music Room. Open to adults and high school students, the Adult Choir sings regularly at 8:00 and 9:30 Divine Service on Sundays, in addition to occasional Saturday services (6:00 p.m.) and for festival dates and other occasions. New singers are always welcome and encouraged to join us! For more information, please contact Charlie Russell in the church office at crussell@splcs.net or (586) 781-3434.
Sunday Donuts
Please keep our Sunday donuts coming! We need your help! Consider cleaning up donuts (and taking the leftovers home) after the modern service 11:00. Signup below or contact Liz Kukuk. (586) 623-7100
Synodwide Response to Hurricanes
Please use the following link for information about the Synodwide response to hurricanes in the southeastern U.S.
SALT – Ark and Creation Museum
Our 55 and up SALT Bible study group is planning to take part in an exciting trip to see the Ark and Creation Museum. Please click the link below for all the information. If you have any question please contact Pastor Arendell. marendell@splcs.net
Box Tops from General Mills products
St. Peter school has earned over $46,000 through the years just by collecting Box Tops from hundreds of General Mills products. It’s even easier to earn now, no clipping involved! Just buy any Box Tops products, scan your receipt (paper or digital) using the app and earn cash for our school. The Box Top app can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play. Then create a profile and find St. Peter Lutheran School to receive the earnings. With an expanding school enrollment and additional opportunities for our students, free cash can always be put to good use.
Do you have former students attending college in the state of Michigan? Michigan and English District’s university campus ministries as well as local pastors and congregations are ready to engage with your college students this fall. Campus Ministry provides a nurturing environment where students can thrive and find belonging within a faith community during their time at school. Join us in creating meaningful connections and fostering spiritual growth among the next generation of leaders. Send us their contact information by clicking HERE or, forward this email to your students and/or their parents and grandparents. It’ll just take a minute or two! To see a list of active campus ministries in Michigan, click HERE.
Are you a Kroger Shopper?
Kroger shoppers who are enrolled in the Community Rewards program can help groups at St. Peter Macomb by linking their Plus Card Rewards to a specific organization. Currently, there are three groups benefiting from this program: Hope For The Hungry Pantry, St. Peter Lutheran SCRIP and St. Peter Student Ministry. Please consider helping one of these groups grow their ministry by following the steps below. You can choose to enroll online or through the phone app.
Nursing Home Ministry
Everyone is welcome to join us on the fourth Thursday of each month as we gather at The Orchards – Armada Village to sing and have a short devotion with the residents. We begin at the assisted living building (Pineview) and then walk over to the skilled nursing building. We start at 10:30 a.m. Afterwards, we plan to go to Papa’s Restaurant in downtown Armada for lunch at noon. Please call Lois Bellhorn (586) 770-3002 if you have any questions. No need to RSVP. We’d love to have you join us as we share God’s love in Word and song!
Prayer/Announcement Request
This form is to request prayers or announcements in the bulletin and during worship services. Please understand that announcement requests are not guaranteed. We require that your announcement request be submitted a minimum of four weeks before the dates. God Bless you!