About Us

St. Peter Lutheran School is a Preschool through 8th grade school of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. We are located in the heart of Macomb, Michigan on the corner of 24 Mile Road & Romeo Plank.

Mission Statement 

Our mission at St. Peter is to glorify God by making and growing disciples of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20 ESV)


St. Peter Lutheran School is accredited from the National Lutheran School Association (NLSA) and Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools (MANS).


Academics are a high priority at St. Peter Lutheran School. Our rigorous curriculum is based on educational standards of the state of Michigan. Students are challenged to meet high expectations of performance and to develop a work ethic that will help them to be successful in their future education and vocation. Our academic program is comprehensive and seeks to integrate technology and innovation, while also applying traditional approaches where appropriate. Our graduates leave St. Peter ready to take on the challenges of high school, whether at a sister Lutheran high school (Lutheran High North or Lutheran High Northwest) or at other area public, parochial, or private high schools. We have a reputation for providing academic leaders for these high schools.

Gifted and Talented Education Program

 Servicing Grades

St. Peter Lutheran Church and School GATE Program is devoted to helping ALL students learn, specifically advanced students with unique learning styles, talents, and abilities. We work to service the whole child. We do this simultaneously with our mission to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Questions regarding the application process contact Amber Nill at ambernill@splcs.net. 

School and Class Size  

St. Peter Lutheran School for the 2023/24 school year has approximately 470 students enrolled in our kindergarten through 8th grade. On average we have about 22 students per class with 2-3 classes per grade.


We have dedicated and qualified Christian teachers and staff who are state-certified with a wealth of experience, many holding advanced degrees. The teaching staff engages in professional development to remain current with educational practices and resources.


Wednesday morning chapel services are held in our Worship Center for our student population. Parents are encouraged to attend these services. Our faith-driven staff provides religious instruction and integration of Christian principles on a daily basis.

We don’t know where you are in your faith walk, but we understand that questions are worth answering. While it’s impossible to address every question you might have, we hope this will provide a start.

We believe and teach that…

  • The Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant Word. 
  • In the Bible, God is revealed as Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 
  • God created the world and all that exists. 
  • Since Adam and Eve, man is born with original sin and cannot save himself. 
  • God’s Law, revealed both in the Scriptures and in nature itself, is good and holy, revealing His will for how the creation ought to exist. However, it has the function of accusing all people and condemning us, since it reveals that all fall short of God’s will and are guilty of sinning against it. 
  • Jesus Christ, true God and true man, born of the Virgin Mary, died on the cross for all sins, and rose bodily on the third day for us and for our salvation. 
  • Salvation through the forgiveness of sins comes only through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 
  • The means of grace (Word and Sacraments), which God the Holy Spirit uses to create faith in Christ, are the same means which sustain the Christian in the life of faith in God and love for the neighbor. As such, they remain at the center of Christian worship and are appropriately called the “marks of the Church” (the things that help us recognize where the Church exists).

St. Peter Lutheran Church and School is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod