In our Kindergarten we play with sounds to become readers. We use sight words, phonics, and whole language skills to begin reading. We count and graph and sort teddy bears to understand numbers. We enjoy Spanish, PE, Library, Technology Lab, and recess.
1st Grade
First grade places a large emphasis on both reading and writing. Time is spent on phonemic principals of segmentation and blending, digraphs, trigraphs, vowel sounds and spelling, and rules for usage. Leveled texts are used to teach comprehension strategies in a small group setting. All these skills are then incorporated into writing, both as whole-class books are produced and individual writing pieces are constructed throughout the school year. Using CPH curriculum, students are taught Lutheran doctrine through both Old and New Testament Bible stories. Prayer and Hymn time are both vital parts of our school day. The first grade math curriculum introduces students to addition and subtraction facts through 20, geometry principles, time, money, and measurement. A class store helps pull together all these skills in real-life application.
2nd Grade
As a Lutheran school our student’s learning experiences are built upon the foundation of Christ, our Redeemer. That is why second grade students memorize and recite scripture and hymns that embody our faith in Christ alone. It’s also why our second grade students learn that respecting authority means honoring and obeying their parents, teachers, and classmates. Second graders learn the vocation of student as they develop their literacy skills, reading fluency, reading comprehension, grammar, phonics and writing skills. Second grade students use Saxon math to learn concepts such as addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers. The concepts of time and money are also taught throughout the year. Finally, second graders learn the beauty of God’s world, as revealed in Genesis 1:31, by examining and learning about plants, animals, science, weather, various land formations and the communities where we live. “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good.”
3rd Grade
Third graders learn key concepts of faith, repentance, forgiveness and grace through our religion program based on the CPH One in Christ curriculum. These students learn how language is a necessary communication tool, reading and analyzing stories, “hands on” science activities, Saxon Math and using cursive writing. Third graders also participate in specials: technology, art and music. Our third grade students also learn how to play a recorder as part of their music.
4th Grade
Fourth graders learn about key concepts of faith as well as stories from the Old and New Testament. They work towards improving their legibility of their cursive writing, study the English language through literature, composition, listening and speaking, and are introduced to a variety of literary genres. In fourth grade, the students study five geographic regions of the U.S., earth and physical science, and mastering the basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Fourth graders also participate in specials: technology, art and music. Our fourth grade students also continue to learn how to play a recorder as part of their music.
5th Grade
The fifth graders learn about the Commandments, Bible stories and witnessing. Through the Memory program students learn Scripture verses, hymns, and portions of the Catechism. They also learn about American History, interpreting and understanding maps, charts and graphs. Communication skills are emphasized through studying speech, grammar, mechanics and vocabulary building. Fifth graders learn about problem solving, communicating, and reasoning through math and science topics include the study of the earth’s surface, weather, matter, energy, and plant and animal processes. Our fifth graders participate in Technology, Art, Physical Education and Music. For music, they have the option of being in band, choir, or handbells.
6th Grade
Sixth graders is a time of growth and independence. Classwork increases in difficulty, and the reigns are handed to the students. Students are expected to keep track of assignments and homework while developing the responsibility and work ethic for middle school. Sixth graders learn about God’s promises in the Old and New Testaments. They also learn about countries around the world in Geography, and Life, Earth and Physical Science. Through Reading assignments, students learn skills for middle and high school. The sixth graders also attend a week long Outdoor Education camp.
7th Grade
Seventh grade is the students’ first year in the Jr. High hallway and is a transitional year. Students learn organizational skills as they move from class to class and no longer have a “desk” to call their own. Each student learns that they are responsible for keeping track of assignments and materials throughout the day. The core subjects of Math, English, Social Studies, and Science are taught in Christ-centered classrooms by Christ-centered teachers. Religion class gives the student opportunities to reflect on how God’s Word impacts their lives and how each student can live out the Gospel message. St. Peter Lutheran School’s 7th grade students are given the opportunity to participate in many electives which include band, handbell, choir, physical education, technology, and Spanish.
8th Grade
Eighth grade is the students’ second year in the Jr. High hallway. Students continue to learn organizational skills as they move from class to class and no longer have a “desk” to call their own. Each student learns that they are responsible for keeping track of assignments and materials throughout the day. The core subjects of Math, English, Social Studies, and Science are taught in Christ-centered classrooms by Christ-centered teachers. Religion class gives the students opportunities to reflect on how God’s Word impacts their lives and how each student can live out the Gospel message. St. Peter Lutheran School’s eighth grade students are given the opportunity to participate in many electives which include band, handbell, choir, physical education, technology, and Spanish. Our eighth graders also attend a class trip to Washington D.C. in the Spring.
G.A.T.E. - Gifted And Talented Education
Servicing Grades
St. Peter Lutheran Church and School GATE Program is devoted to helping ALL students learn, specifically advanced students with unique learning styles, talents, and abilities. We work to service the whole child. We do this simultaneously with our mission to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Questions regarding the application process contact Amber Nill at