Stephen Ministry & Support Groups

Stephen Ministers

Stephen Ministers are lay people committed to serving both members of St. Peter and members of our community. Becoming a Stephen Minister involves thirty hours of training and then being commissioned to serve. Stephen Ministers serve as leaders for our GriefShare support group. They are also involved in greeting at worship services and organizing and serving at an annual birthday celebration for our older members and at an anniversary party honoring those couples married fifty or more years. Individuals also make regular contact through cards, calls, and visits with our homebound members. When one of our members experiences the loss of a loved one, a Stephen Minister will follow up with cards of remembrance and also make him/herself available to listen and care. Stephen Ministers are trained in one-on- one listening care for anyone experiencing any kind of crisis, whether it be an “empty nest,” job loss, health challenges, or divorce. Although they are not counselors, they are good listeners and “sounding boards.” If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, or if you are wanting to meet with a Stephen Minister, contact the Church Office at (586) 781-3434.

To learn more about Stephen Ministry.


GriefShare meets in-person on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. If you recently suffered the loss of a family member or good friend, healing and a closer walk with Jesus are available. Please prayerfully consider joining this Christian and confidential support group. If you have questions or want more information, call Linda. May God bless you with His peace and His presence. For more information, please call the Church Office at (586) 781-3434.

Divorce Care & Divorce Care for Kids

Divorce Care and Divorce Care for Kids (DC4K) offers a chance to heal and move forward after a divorce, but you may also attend if divorce is a possibility but not yet a certainty. If you have a question, call Anne Westphal at 248-909-4230.

Family and Friends of LGBT

Our group upholds both God’s Design for marriage and God’s Love for all by supporting people with family members and friends who struggle with same-sex attraction and gender identification issues.

We don’t judge or condemn but we don’t compromise either. It’s a difficult place to be but we follow God’s Word closely in our attempt to love, support and maintain relationships with our loved ones without compromising our beliefs, values and principles.

We meet the third Thursday of the month. For more information you can contact us by phone or email.


(586) 781-3434